Content Creation

What Is Content Creation?

Content creation is the process of generating topic ideas that appeal to your buyer persona, creating written or visual content around those ideas, and making that information accessible to your audience as a blog, video, infographic, or other format.

– Hubspot

Content Creation allows for your company to provide consumable information to your audience, sparking interest in your service or product, and the ability to retain them in your marketing ecosphere through quality engagement. Depending on your products or needs, True Baller Marketing focuses on tailoring content to fit your marketing & sales funnel.

To achieve this, we audit businesses and focus on these steps to define a content strategy:

  • Understand Business Needs
  • Create Audiences
  • Define Consumer’s Journey
  • Choose Content’s Format

Based on these elements, we then define what type of content to promote. This can include email marketing, social media, paid search, search engine optimization, or a combination of these elements: 

Types of Content

Awareness: White paper, Blog Post, Tip Sheet, Infographic, Ebook, Game, Quiz

Consideration: Podcast, Webinar, Worksheet, Comparison Matrix, Template 

Decision: Demo, Free Trial, Product Guide, Consultation, Coupon

Once the elements are thoroughly audited and implemented, we can then focus on the data & reporting element of content creation. Setting up KPIs allows for the effective measurement of Organic Traffic, Conversion Rates, Engagement, and Audience Growth. Based on the data, we can then optimize content to hit people with the right content at the right time. This includes every step of the marketing and sales funnel: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision.

Steps of Digital Marketing: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision

To find out more about True Baller Marketing services, drop us a line here and we’ll be happy to get on the phone and help you define your content marketing strategy.